8/6/2024 — リーナ・アンナーブ駐日ヨルダン大使は6月8日、宮古市で開催されたみちのく潮風トレイル全線開通5周年記念式典に出席しました。山本正徳宮古市長の主催で行われた式典では、八木哲也環境副大臣、鈴木俊一財務大臣(岩手県選出)が基調講演を行い、青森県八戸市から福島県相馬市まで、トレイルが通過する全29市町村の市長をはじめ、官民の地元関係団体、メディア関係者などが一堂に会しました。
東北と日本の皆さまに、この節目の年を心よりお祝い申し上げるとともに、長期的な復興を支える「みちのく潮風トレイル」の成功を称賛いたします。 このトレイルは、地域の自然の美しさを紹介するだけでなく、観光を奨励し、回復と復興の精神を育む上で重要な役割を果たしています。
Ambassador Lina Annab joined the commemoration ceremony of the 5th anniversary of the Michinoku Coastal Trail launch on June 8 in Miyako City. The ceremony hosted by the mayor of Miyako Mr. YAMAMOTO Masanori featured keynote speeches by Mr. YAGI Tetsuya, State Minister of the Environment, and Mr. SUZUKI Shinichi, Minister of Finance, whose constituency is in Iwate. The ceremony also brought together local related organizations from both the public and private sectors and media representatives as well as the mayors of all 29 municipalities** the trail passes through, from Hachinohe City in Aomori Prefecture to Soma City in Fukushima Prefecture.
This ceremony celebrated the trail, which has become a symbol of long-term recovery and reconstruction following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.
Spanning 1000 kilometers, the trail links four prefectures and supports tourism and local economies through its scenic routes.
After the ceremony, Annab joined the trail walk which began at Miyako Station alongside Governor of Iwate Mr. Takuya Tasso, Mr. YAGI Tetsuya, and Mayor of Miyako Masanori Yamamoto. They were accompanied by over 300 hikers, who enjoyed the beautiful surroundings of Jodogahama beach.
Ambassador Annab expressed her admiration for the stunning landscape and highlighted the importance of exchanging knowledge and experiences between Jordan and Japan. She noted the importance of learning from each other’s efforts in trail development and environmental preservation.
Over the past few years, there has been ongoing cooperation with the Jordan Trail, focusing on knowledge sharing and exchange. Both trails aim to yield positive socio-economic impacts by emphasizing local community development. This cooperation allows for valuable lessons to be exchanged, enhancing the effectiveness of these trails in supporting local communities and promoting sustainable tourism.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the people of Tohoku and Japan on this milestone anniversary and commend the success of the Michinoku Coastal Trail in supporting long-term recovery. This trail not only showcases the natural beauty of the region but also plays a crucial role in encouraging tourism and fostering a spirit of resilience and reconstruction.
** AOMORI Prefecture:
IWATE Prefecture:
#Ofunato City
Miyagi Prefecture:
Fukushima Prefecture:
Japan News:
Japan news article:
More about Michinoku Coastal Trail: