
Ambassador Annab Delivers Remarks at a Special Session Hosted by UNHCR Parliamentary League Held at the Diet

By May 31, 2023August 13th, 2023No Comments

On Wednesday May 31, a special session was held at the Diet and hosted by UNHCR Parliamentary League and presided over by the chairman of the league the Honorable @ichiroaisawa Ichiro AISAWA, and attended by the visiting Deputy High Commissioner of UNHCR, @KellyTClements Kelly Clements, Endo Kazuya, Director-General, International Cooperation Bureau, @MofaJapan_en Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other parliamentarians and civil society and media representatives.

The session aimed at discussing the upcoming second Global Refugee Forum (GRF) included Jordan as co-convenor of GRF along the other co-convenors Japan, France, Uganda, Columbia, and the host of the co-host of the Forum Switzerland.

The upcoming GRF is intended to follow up on the practical implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), which is a framework adopted in 2016 by UN Members to specifically recognize the role of international cooperation and equitable responsibility-sharing in achieving a sustainable solution to the refugee situation.

Jordan hosts the second highest number of refugees per capita globally. Nearly 3.6 million refugees of different nationalities are hosted by Jordan. Refugees, including those registered with the UNHCR and UNRWA, make up almost a third of our population.

For more on the Global Refugee Forum:


5月31日(水)、参議院議員会館にてUNHCR (国連難民高等弁務官事務所)議員連盟主催の特別セッションが開催され、逢沢一郎会長の司会のもと、ケリー・クレメンツUNHCR副高等弁務官、遠藤和也外務省国際協力局長をはじめ、国会議員、市民社会、メディア関係者らが出席しました。



