
“Lest We Forget” Exhibition (20 Nov-3 Dec 2020)

By November 13, 2020No Comments

November 13th, 2020

“Lest We Forget” Exhibition

The Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan cordially invites you to “Lest We Forget” Exhibition featuring selected works by Pulitzer Prize winner Jordanian Photographer Muhammed Muheisen at refugee camps in Jordan, which will take place at JICA Global Plaza from Friday 20th of November until Thursday 3rd of December 2020.

In addition to the photo exhibition, the event will include the Japan Movie Premiere of “Tiny Souls” on Monday 28th of November 2020, a movie directed by Jordanian director Dina Naser. The movie is subtitled in Japanese and it chronicles the life of a Syrian family inside of Zaatari Camp in Jordan (the world’s fifth largest refugee camp). “Tiny Souls” was recently nominated for the “Willy Brandt Documentary Film Prize for Freedom and Human Rights” at the 2020 Human Rights Festival in Berlin. This Exhibition is jointly coordinated by the Embassy of Jordan, UNHCR and JICA.

Jordan has always provided a safe haven and refuge to many who are fleeing their homes is search of shelter and safety due to armed conflicts in their home countries as well as due to illegal occupation, expulsions and forced displacements. Today Jordan is the largest refugee host per capita worldwide with most of the refugees coming from Palestine and Syria.

Lest We Forget” and “Tiny Souls” are an attempt to shed light on the lives of innocent people who have been forced to flee the safety of their homes and countries.  These refugees have not only been robbed of their most basic rights, but also, they have been brutally dehumanized and marginalized. “Lest We Forget” is a reminder that every refugee has a story to tell. A story of love, courage, ambition and aspiration. Regardless of where one sits, we are all human whose essence of being is their humanity.

Coinciding with this Exhibition, J’s Café located at the Plaza will be serving a special Jordanian meal as part of its lunch menu. J’s Café will start serving this meal on Monday 16th of November until Friday 11th of December 2020.

See you there!!



また2020年11月28日にヨルダン人監督ディーナ・ナーセル氏によるドキュメンタリー映画“タイニーソウルズ” の上映会も行います。映画は日本語字幕付きで、ヨルダンにあるザータリキャンプ(世界で5番目に大きい難民キャンプ)の中で生活するシリア人家族について描かれた映画です。「タイニーソウルズ」は2020年ベルリンで行われたヒューマンライツ・フィルムフェスティバルで「自由と人権のためのヴィリー・ブラント・ドキュメンタリー映画賞」にノミネートされました。今回のイベントはヨルダン大使館、UNHCR、JICAの協力により開催されることになりました。



またJICA地球ひろばで開催されるこのイベントに合わせて、JICA地球ひろば内にあるカフェ「J’s Café」では、ランチメニューの一部として、11月16日(月)から12月11日(金)までの期間限定でヨルダン料理を提供します。
