July 13th, 2020
A meeting was held at the Embassy of Jordan on Monday July 13 with UNIDO ITPO Tokyo office represented by H.E. Dr. Yuko Yasunaga, Head, of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Investment & Technology Promotion Office (ITPO), and his deputy Mr. Ferda Gelegen. Attending from the Jordanian Embassy side was Ambassador Lina Annab and DCM Rasheed Arekat.
During the meeting various avenues of cooperation were explored in order to introduce investment climate and opportunities in Jordan to Japanese investors and the business community. Several inclusive and sustainable development areas were discussed in a number of sectors where Jordan has a competitive advantage. Capacity building as well as outreach programs were also discussed during the meeting.
Following the meeting, Ambassador Annab commented on the meeting: “It was a productive meeting with the managing team at UNIDO ITPO. We look forward to building on the good relations we already enjoy. In recent years three Jordanians have visited Japan and benefited from the “Delegate Program”, and we are now working on having more professionals join. We also hope to work together in areas of mutual interest and in highlighting the investment climate and opportunities in several key sectors in Jordan.”
About UNIDO ITPO Tokyo:
UNIDO’s Investment and Technology Promotion Office, Tokyo (UNIDO ITPO Tokyo) was established in March 1981 in accordance with an agreement concluded between UNIDO and the Government of Japan, and is one of 9 offices worldwide belonging to UNIDO’s ITPO Network.
The mission of UNIDO ITPO Tokyo is to help developing and emerging countries and economies in transition in their efforts to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic development by promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) and technology transfer from Japan through various activities including delegate program (invitation of government officials to Japan), technology transfer (identifying and promoting Japanese energy and environment technologies), seminars and events (country promotion, sector promotion, environment exhibitions), capacity building (special programs for embassies in Japan), and activities overseas (business missions and networking). In addition, programs and activities are publicized through services such as the “UNI-World” journal, the “UNIDO Investment News” newsletter, press releases, annual reports, and information dissemination through the office’s homepage
تم عقد اجتماع في السفارة بتاريخ 13-7-2020 مع مكتب طوكيو لمنظمة ترويج الاستثمار والتكنولوجيا التابعة لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة للتنمية الصناعية التي مثلها السيد يوكو ياسوناغا، مدير المنظمة يصحبه نائبه السيد فيردا غليغين، وحضر الاجتماع من جانب السفارة معالي السفيرة لينا عناب والمستشار رشيد عريقات
وتم التطرق خلال الاجتماع إلى العديد من نواحي التعاون وعرض أفكار عن المناخ الاستثماري وكذلك الفرص الاستثمارية في الأردن لإيصالها لمجتمع رجال الأعمال والمستثمرين اليابانيين. وتم التطرق أيضاً إلى تنافسية العديد من القطاعات الاستثمارية في الأردن وما تتميز به من تنافسية ونمو مطردين