October 27, 2023 Upon the invitation of Mayor YAMADA Shiro of Natori City, Ambassador Lina ANNAB joined him, a team from the Ministry of Environment, and members from the Michinoku…
October 25, 2023 マロのぐるぐるヨルダン巡り』 “Maro-go-round in Jordan” In a captivating adventure that was sponsored by the Jordan Tourism Board during September 2023, and that blended cultural exploration and artistic…
October 25, 2024 In a move to foster cultural exchange and strengthen the bonds between Jordan and Japan, Duha Fayyad, the President of the Jordan Trail Association, and Lana Al-Saqqa,…
Tuesday October 17, 2023 On Tuesday October 17, 2023 Ambassador ANNAB held a meeting with the Governor of Tokyo, Ms. KOIKE Yuriko . ANNAB was accompanied by Deputy Chief of…
October 13, 2023 Amman – Jordan: Adventure travel enthusiasts and nature lovers have a thrilling reason to celebrate as two iconic long-distance hiking trails, The Jordan Trail in Jordan and…
Saturday October 7, 2023 On Saturday October 7 Ambassador Lina Annab delivered a keynote speech at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government 5th Vision Network by Female Governors and Mayors Conference, emphasizing…
October 4, 2023 On October 4th, Ambassador Lina ANNAB participated along with members of the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Japan in hosting a lunch meeting with Japan’s Minister for…
October 3, 2023 On October 3rd, Ambassador ANNAB joined a meeting with UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini and three visiting teenage Palestinian refugee students from Gaza. The three students are…
9月22日(金)、ヨルダン大使館において、尊敬する大井川和彦茨城県知事と県庁の献身的なチームの皆さまをお迎えできたことを大変光栄に思います。 大使館訪問の際、大井川知事はリーナ・アンナーブ大使をいばらき親善大使に委嘱することを発表しました。これは、ヨルダン大使館と茨城県との継続的な協力関係の象徴です。また、ヨルダンと日本の絆、人と人との友好的な交流を育み、二国間の経済及び学術の分野における結びつきの強化を目指す前途有望な未来についても話し合われました。 ヨルダンと日本は2024年に外交樹立70周年を迎えますが、私たちは間もなく発表される茨城トレッキングトレイルとヨルダントレイルのコラボレーションに胸を躍らせています。さらに、相互協力を促進する数多くのイニシアチブが現在進行中であり、更なる良好な二国間関係の構築が期待されます。 この発表に続き、アンナーブ大使は大井川知事に感謝の印として「ヨルダン・トレイル」の「トレイルパス」を贈呈しました。アンナーブ大使は、大井川知事にヨルダン訪問の招待状を送り、近い将来知事をお迎えすることを楽しみにしていると述べました。 Building Lasting Friendships and Strengthening Bonds with Ibaraki Prefecture It was a tremendous honor to extend a warm welcome to the esteemed Governor of Ibaraki…
September 14, 2023 A meeting was held on September 14, 2023, between Ambassador Lina Annab and Vice Governor of Hokkaido Prefecture Mr.TSUCHIYA Shunsuke. The meeting was held at Hokkaido Prefectural…